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Windows 10 1709 Update Lag Login Screen Updated FREE

Windows 10 1709 Update Lag Login Screen

Recently, I've seen more and more machines (still a small amount, but an increasing number seemingly) with a problem upon boot following some recent updates to the Windows 10 Build 1709 subsystem.  Specifically, these machines hang on boot at a black screen following the Welcome/login screen with only the mouse cursor present for anywhere from a few to several minutes.  Task Managing director tin be invoked and CTRL+ALT+DEL still works, but the machine volition non operate normally with the usual Windows shell interface (explorer.exe GUI etc.) until the process sees itself through to fruition.  This happens at each and every boot.

Microsoft has indeed best-selling this event, blaming it on some rogue registry keys supposedly put in identify by some OEMs which are incompatible with the latest builds of Windows 10.  Withal, I've come up to doubt that explanation, every bit the fix they provide in the relevant KB article has not yet once worked on whatever of my clients' machines, and another, more foolproof set up has instead corrected the problem.

This is the service which causes all of these headaches.

This is the service which causes all of these headaches.

A while back, people discovered that the singular service responsible for this behavior is the App Readiness service, which prepares user data the get-go time a user logs on following the installation or update of a Windows Store app.  Disabling this servicedoescorrect the problem.  If you feel this exact behavior, I have what is likely a permanent fix for yous however, and all-time of all, it's easy.

First, determine if this detail problem applies to your machine. Lots of things can pb to hangs during the boot procedure, so before you proceed further, it'south a good idea to ensure that the App Readiness hang is actually what is afflicting y'all:

  1. Kicking the machine normally.
  2. During the hang at the blackness screen, printing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to bring up Task Manager.
  3. Choose File > Run New Job.
  4. Typemsconfigand press ENTER.
  5. Click theServicestab,uncheck App Readiness, and click OK.
  6. Either wait out the residuum of the kicking procedure and and then reboot your PC, or force a reboot by returning to Task Manger and running this job:shutdown -r -t 0
  7. Upon reboot, if the problem disappears, this is indeed your issue.
  8. If the problem is solved, next reverse the processby rerunning msconfig and rechecking the box next to App Readiness.  Reboot again and allow the irksome kicking procedure to complete.

The reason you need to reenable App Readiness is that without it, the next steps volition fail.

You can also disable the service via the standard services.msc snap-in interface if you prefer that.

You tin can also disable the service via the standard services.msc snap-in interface if you lot prefer that.

Once the diagnosis is complete, the adjacent step is easy.

  1. Obtain Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (Build 1709) or afterward installation media direct from Microsoft'south software download website (update May 2018: the latest build is now 1803, the April Update). Try using the "Download Tool Now" push method and creating an installation DVD first, as this procedure is more likely to succeed.
  2. Once yous accept created the DVD, run the setup process from the DVD and choose to upgrade Windows while retaining all apps and user data.  This process is called anin-place upgradeequally has been available for many years at present within Windows (barring a short hiatus).
    1. If a DVD drive is not available, you can merely mount the resulting ISO file and install it from the virtually mounted ISO.
    2. If both of these methods fail, you tin can try using the Windows x Update Assistant tool from that aforementioned webpage instead.
  3. See the installation through to completion.
  4. Once finished, reboot and see if the problem is fixed.  It should be!

I hope this helps restore sanity to someone's calculating life.

Donate to say "Thank you" if this post has helped save you fourth dimension and coin! 🙂

Windows 10 1709 Update Lag Login Screen



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